C4D阿诺德渲染器 SolidAngle C4DtoA 2.6.2 R19/R20/R21 Win/Mac AMPED破解版
不再支持C4D R18,增加支持C4D R21,如果安装后C4D 打不开,请先卸载插件(到plugins里面删除c4dtoa文件夹),然后把C4D更新到最新版本,最后重新安装插件即可
- 全新Arnold内核
- WIN版本,https://pan.baidu.com/s/1oKaiEZM3GRVUQc4NNc-asg?pwd=qezs,提取码:qezs
- New option to search in subfolders in search paths
- Allow C4D string tokens in search paths (e.g. $prj)
- Auto tx does not use the generated textures
- Export Ass with Expand Procedurals doesn’t work
- Crash creating preset from an Arnold Sky
- X-Particles groups are missing when rendering takes
- Procedural does not respect scale in some cases
- Instance of a scaled procedural renders incorrectly
- Procedural as multi-instance does not render from the command line
- IPR forgets camera after undo and redo
- Material preview fails when texture is in a custom folder on the search path
- Number in path sometimes detected wrongly as frame sequence
- Arnold assets are not displayed correctly in the R21 Project Asset Inspector
- Attributes are not inline with lights in Light Manager in R21 Windows
- R21 command line hangs when invalid license server is specified
- Reference shader creates an extra node in R21
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